Our Rookie leagues are focused on developing playing skills (pitching, batting, fielding, throwing, base running) in a less competitive instructional environment. With this primary goal in mind, games in Rookies are not umpired, no standings are kept, and there are no end-of-season playoffs. Teams will consist of 11-12 players to maximize player participation and skill development.

Rookie Boys Baseball Description and Eligibility

Rookie Boys Baseball (6 and 7 years old—boys born 5/1/2017 to 4/30/2019)
An introduction to team play with emphasis on further skill development. A pitching machine is used to provide more consistent pitching to help the boys develop more confidence in their batting. Fielding skills are also stressed as the ball is put into play more frequently. While competitiveness begins to develop in boys, a learning environment is the goal. This is also a less competitive, learning environment with no standings kept and no playoffs.

Rookie Girls Softball Description and Eligibility

(7* and 8 years old—girls born in 2016, 2017 or 1/1/2018-4/30/2018)
For developmental reasons, a pitching machine is used to ensure consistent pitching, but "girl-pitching" is introduced toward the close of the season. This is designed to postpone player-pitching until the girls are better prepared and to help build the girls' confidence in their batting and pitching skills. Windmill pitching clinics will be offered to help us introduce limited girl-pitching in May. Fundamental skills will be stressed in an enjoyable non-competitive environment. All girls receive awards at season's end.

*Girls born between Jan 1 and Apr 30, 2018 who have already completed 1 year of Farm League participation are welcome to register for Rookie Girls.