Tee Ball & Farm Teams will consist of 8-11 players to maximize player participation and skill development.
(4 years old— boys & girls born 5/1/2020 to 4/30/2021) And first-year 5-year olds
First sessions will be instructional with small groups working on very basic skills; fielding ground balls, proper throwing technique, and beginning batting. The field of play will be introduced along with base running. After this instructional period, the players will form teams and begin a schedule of Tee-Ball games. All children receive an equal opportunity to bat and play in the field. Parents are needed to participate and to help create an enjoyable, supportive, instructional, and non-competitive atmosphere.
(5- and 6-year-old girls—girls born 5/1/2018-4/30/2020; 5-year-old boys—boys born 5/1/2019-4/30/2020)
Girls and Boys will be placed on separate teams, but they will play one another.
This league builds upon the learning stressed in tee-ball. The basics of the sport are stressed: proper hitting technique, beginning base running, defensive positions in the field of play, fielding a hit ball, force-outs at first base, etc. Players face “live” pitching from a coach or parent. The pitching is a "soft toss" so the players can develop the skill of hitting a moving ball. After attempts at hitting four (4) pitched balls, each player would switch to hitting off a batting tee for the duration of their at-bat. All children receive an equal opportunity to bat and play in the field. Parents are needed to participate and to help create an enjoyable, supportive, instructional, and non-competitive atmosphere.